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Please see below for more information on some of the services we provide. To find out how we can help you get the most from your project, get in touch now.


Roofers at Work

Central Government targets require that 300,000 new homes be built every year, with local authorities being expected to achieve significant increases in housing completions. The time is now to look for potential residential developments or make more efficient use of existing buildings and land. Corbil Planning have a wealth of knowledge and experience in delivering residential planning consents for new homes.



Modern Office

Whether your business needs to expand in its present location or find new premises elsewhere, we can provide detailed planning advice on the capability of your existing or new building / land to gain consent to extend or change use. We can also provide advice and gain planning permission for mixed use developments that encompass commercial floor space alongside another use.


Renovating a House

Under successive recent years, central government has been releasing planning controls on certain changes of use and extensions to commercial and residential buildings with the objective of increasing the provision of residential homes on brownfield sites in sustainable locations. We routinely advise clients on these new rights and have gained Prior Approval for many new residential dwellings utilising these new permitted development rights.


Building Plans

Whether you are proposing to build an extension or change the use of a building, there are many forms of development that do not require planning permission, and these fall under operations covered by Permitted Development Rights. Alternatively, there maybe development that has historically occurred on your property, but for which no planning permission exists. A Certificate of Lawfulness (existing or proposed), which requires the Local Planning Authority to formally determine the case in question, often is the solution to resolving this planning position. We can advise and submit these applications on the client’s behalf.


Taking Notes

Whether you have a prospective site in mind or own an existing property for which you are interested in its development potential, the first thing to do is to understand its planning constraints and from this, the opportunities that present themselves for its development. We can provide either desktop feasibility appraisals or full feasibility appraisals that include a site meeting and scoping visit to your property. Our thorough appraisals are generated with a quick turnaround to ensure that you can seize the opportunities when they present themselves.


Man Measuring Window

Do you need planning permission to extend your property? Would your local Council support your plans for the enlargement of your home? We can provide these answers by reviewing your plans and the ability to extend your home, and advise on any constraints and limitations that maybe in place on your property. We are experienced in finding solutions that enable projects to succeed either through permitted development or by means of a householder application to your local Council.



Whilst every effort is expended to work with Local Planning Authorities to find a mutually acceptable way forward with an application thereby enabling permission to be granted at the first stage, sometimes the needs of the client and/or the expectations of the Council do not coincide. In this instance there be a need to accept a refusal of planning permission and lodge an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate for independent assessment. We are skilled at providing representation for written representation, informal hearings and public inquiries.


Audiovisual Conference

As part of our services we regularly present on current planning matters at various property shows and networking events. These presentations and seminars are tailored to the specific interests and levels of awareness of the planning system held by the delegates. As well as professionals and investors in the property industry we also provide seminar and lecturing services to university students

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